Maximize healthspan by unlocking the hidden data on the Foundation Guild™ in the gut microbiome
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Humans are superorganisms
superorganisms that are made up of our own cells and the trillions of microbes living
on and inside our bodies. All these microbes are collectively called our microbiome. There are 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of microbes inside the gut microbiome.
The microbiome is an integral part of the human body performing important functions that are vital to
health such as nutrition, immunity, metabolism, and neuropsychology, etc.
Gut microbiome is a complex ecosystem within our bodies
The complexity and density of bacteria in the gut is such that it can be called our microbial Amazon
There are more than 1000 species of bacteria that form ecological groups called "guilds". Each guild
consists of bacteria from different species and families but they work together as a coherent functional
group. Some guilds are beneficial, and others can be neutral or even harmful.
Foundation Guild™ is the most important group within the gut microbiome
Foundation Guild™ is a group of beneficial bacteria inside the human gut. These
work as the foundation species for structuring and stabilizing the healthy gut microbial ecosystem.
Foundation Guild™ bacteria are like the tall trees of the rain forest. Reduction of abundance and
diversity of the Foundation Guild™ bacteria would lead to deterioration of the healthy gut
ecosystem. If they are gone, the entire gut ecosystem would collapse.
Foundation Guild™ fights pathogens that are driving diseases
Opposite to the Foundation Guild™ is a group of harmful bacteria called the
pathogen guild. These dangerous bacteria are responsible for creating harmful substances that can damage
body and aggravate diseases.
The Foundation Guild™ and the pathogen guild are two armies that are always at war with each
other, the outcome of this war would dictate whether our microbiome is an ally or enemy to our health.
Notitia's innovative products for the Foundation Guild™
Notitia is developing products and programs that can promote Foundation Guild™ for the general public and restore Foundation Guild™ for patients. Click the buttons below to learn how our products help you to obtain a healthy microbiome.
Clinical Program Wellness ProgramHealthspan is the period of life spent in good health, free from diseases and debilitating conditions. We believe that people should not only live long lives, but also they should be healthy for the majority of it.
×The Foundation Guild™ is the most important group of bacteria in a healthy gut microbiota, acting like the tall trees in a rain-forest. Its role is to structure and maintain the healthy gut ecosystem.
×We are thrilled to announce our groundbreaking microbiome discovery regarding the Foundation Guild bacteria published in the prestigious journal Cell. Read more about our discovery here, or visit our online store to purchase the latest microbiome products designed for this “core microbiome” target. Try it today and experience the Notitia difference!